Oil City Uncorked
Friday,April 25, 2025
5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
(Ticket sales begin at 5 p.m. at State Street Furniture)
Tickets will go on Sale March 2025
Downtown Oil City, PA (South Side)
$30 advance (through Sept. 15)
$35 day of event
Designated Driver tickets $5 at the door.
You are cordially invited to participate in the next Oil City Uncorked event!
Oil City Uncorked is a biannual, three-hour tasting event held in the downtown business district of Oil City, PA. Once ticket holders present valid photo ID to our volunteers at check-in, they receive an event wristband and a souvenir glass for sampling. We provide a Beverage Check at a nearby location and will provide all vendors with an organized claim ticket system to enable smooth pickup for those who purchase beverages. New this year, a designated driver ticket will be available at the door. Must be 21 with a valid ID. The D.D. will be able to purchase wine, beer and shine to be picked up at the end of the night and enjoy touring our charming town.
OilCityUncorked_VendorRegistration_Spring 2025Information for Vendors
Please complete and return the Vendor Registration Form with payment ASAP.
We will confirm your participation by early March, notify you when ticket sales begin, and keep you updated on event details. We look forward to the next Oil City Uncorked and hope that you join us!