Who we are
The Main Street Movement is a volunteer-driven downtown revitalization initiative that was developed in the 1980s by the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s Main Street Center.
Main Street designation
The Main Street Four Point Approach® is a comprehensive strategy that has transformed older downtown business districts across the United States.
In 2010, the City of Oil City applied for Main Street designation after completing a 5-year strategy to revitalize Oil City’s central business district and raising donations to match start-up funding provided by Pennsylvania’s Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED). Our first Main Street designation was awarded in early 2011 and by fall, the initial steps to invigorate downtown Oil City began.
Accredited by Main Street America
The Oil City Main Street Program has been nationally accredited by Main Street America since 2012 and was re-designated as a Keystone Main Street in 2019.
We have earned three Townie Awards from Pennsylvania Downtown Center in 2017, 2018 and 2019. In February 2020, the program was selected as the Partner in Business by the Venango Area Chamber of Commerce. Since fall 2011, over $13 million has been reinvested into downtown Oil City via building improvements, new construction, new businesses, job growth, volunteer hours, and more.
Driven by volunteers
The Oil City Main Street Program features a team of volunteers including downtown business owners and property owners, city residents, community leaders, and other stakeholders.
The program is staffed by Stevette Rosen, Main Street Manager, and Barbara Pierce, Arts Oil City.